Field Integration Network

The Field Integration Network is a network of the Integrative Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.

Integrating knowledge and developing tools at field scale across agricultural systems involves data and model integration and the development of robust assessment tools for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals. The Field Integration Network combines reference field sites providing state-of-the-art data on GHG emissions and removals for arable crops and pastures and a large ensemble of simulation models. Through the joint effort of 50 scientific teams from all populated continents, these models are developed, benchmarked and compared.

The results of this model inter-comparison activity provide:

  • Generic tools with known uncertainties that can be applied across crops and pastures to assess yields and GHGs and removals at field scale
  • An assessment of the sensitivity of crop and pasture yields and GHG emissions to climate change
  • An assessment of the abatement potential of mitigation options for crops and pastures.

The Network has a number of collaborative partners and projects underway with international organisations including: