You’ve reached the Global Research Alliance Argentina page
Argentinian involvement in the Alliance facilitates participation in capacity-building opportunities and facilitates co-operation with groups worldwide. The network strengthens capacities among researchers and policy makers in order to identify sustainable intensification options for agricultural production with focus in greenhouse gases emissions intensity.
Participation in Research Projects
Latin American and Caribbean cooperation platform for Sustainable intensification of livestock systems with legumes (2018-2020). Eight countries are involved (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, and Uruguay). The main objectives of the platform are to promote the sustainable intensification of Latin American and Caribbean livestock systems by using forage legumes and improving biological nitrogen fixation; and to increase soil carbon stocks in pastoral systems. This Platform is being funded by PROCISUR, FONTAGRO and the New Zealand Government.
FONTAGRO Project. Climate change and livestock: measurement and mitigation options of methane and nitrous oxide emissions in ruminant grazing systems.
Capacity Building opportunities
CLIFF-GRADS AWARDEES. Its aims is to build the capability of early career agricultural students in developing countries to conduct applied research on climate change mitigation in agriculture. Not only several Argentinian PhD students participated in the program, but also abroad students experienced a short-term scientific research in our institutions.
See testimonials of participants:
2018 CLIFF-GRADS Awardees Argentina Round 1
2019 CLIFF-GRADS Awardees Argentina Round 2
Capacity building for the development of Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Inventory in Wellington. It included participation in the Annual Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Conference and a field trip to the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre. New Zealand hosted Argentina in March 2018 with participation from Andres Said.
Tandil. Livestock and Climate Change: Policy and research definition meeting, within the framework of the 39th Congress of the Argentine Animal Production Association. 21 October, 2016. GRA participated as a partner.