You have reached the Global Research Alliance Lithuania page
Climate change is one of the most complex issues facing us today. Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a common issue for the entire world.
Every country should determine the most effective measures to contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation issues. National circumstances (socio-economic conditions) and every sector’s specificities have to be taken into account.
Agriculture plays an important role in Lithuania’s economy. We need to take full account of the productive aspects of agricultural activity and its effectiveness, soil quality and land productivity, as well as its role in food security. Increasing in the stock of soil carbon can improve soil fertility and therefore cause significant changes in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide.
Therefore, Lithuania has a great interest in finding solutions based on the joint actions of researchers, policy makers, farmers and the whole of society.
Lithuania is proud to have modern laboratories and qualified and motivated researchers in many fields. Lithuanian research institutions are interested in taking part in these Global Research Alliance research groups:
- LRG – Livestock Research Group;
- CROPLAND – Croplands Research Group;
- IRG – Integrative Research Group.
Lithuanian research institutions taking part in the GRA:
1. Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (
– Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture (;
– Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture (;
– Lithuanian Institute of Forestry (
– Veterinary Academy (–/) ;
– Institute of Animal Science (
Lithuanian researchers interested in taking part in the GRA groups & networks:
The link to the presentation of Aleksandras Stulginskis University Open access Joint Research Centre of Agriculture and Forestry:
Lists of Lithuanian Researchers for the GRA
Lithuanian GRA Contacts
Ms. Vilma Kraujalytė
Strategic Planning & Science Division, Economics Department