December 4, 2024   •   News

Climate and Clean Air Mitigation Adoption Survey

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition, a Partner in the Global Research Alliance (GRA), is producing a comprehensive integrated assessment on greenhouse gas emissions and short-lived climate pollutants (SCLP) from the Agricultural and Food sector. The report, to be presented at COP 30 in Brazil, will develop national scale SLCP and GHG emission scenarios for 2050. These will explore ‘emission pathways’ comprising combinations of policies and mitigation measures designed to reduce emissions through e.g. changes in national diets, livestock and crop production technologies and practices, and from improvements in food waste management. The attached presentation further outlines the approach being taken.

To help develop these future ‘emission pathway’ scenarios the Agricultural and Food report is using the ADOPT model, developed by CSIRO in Australia. ADOPT is designed to provide a quantitative estimate of peak adoption rates and time to peak adoption of mitigation measures based on the characteristics of the farming population implementing these measures and of the measures themselves.

To help ensure that as far as is possible the data used in the modelling reflects the experience of practitioners working across the globe, the CCAC is consulting on the predicted peak adoption and time to peak adoption values. This consultation will comprise a survey in which participants are asked to provide their answers to a selection of ADOPT questions for a subset of the >100 mitigation measures being considered in the report.

The survey, which is open until December 16th, 2024, can be accessed HERE. It can be completed by phone or PC.

Could you please also distribute the survey to your networks – the more respondents, the more robust the mitigation assumptions will be.