September 20, 2024   •   News

NZ-GRADS & CLIFF-GRADS scholars come together at MPI/GRA annual science meeting on agricultural greenhouse gas research

On Wednesday, 21 August, eight New Zealand-based scholars from two of the GRA’s scholarship programmes—the New Zealand Global Research Alliance Doctoral Scholarship (NZ-GRADS) and the CLIFF-GRADS programme—came together for the first time at the Annual Science Meeting, showcasing research projects funded by New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) in support for the GRA. These scholars, all working on topics related to agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation and measurement, gathered to attend and engage with leading research on agricultural greenhouse gases.

The meeting offered the scholars a unique opportunity to explore key scientific themes such as methane, greenhouse gas inventories, rumen function, nitrous oxide, soil carbon, and GHG mitigation tools. They also witnessed presentations on 21 research projects involving international collaboration.

The research projects were presented by scientists from all around the world including 13 scientists from New Zealand. Key discussions focused on development of GHG measurement technologies/tools, soil carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions. The presentations highlighted the global impact of New Zealand’s support for the GRA, emphasizing the importance of international collaboration, capability development, and the enhancement of global scientific knowledge on agricultural GHG emissions.

The event concluded with a dedicated networking session, where the NZ-GRADS and CLIFF-GRADS scholars presented their own research and connected with one another, as well as with other scientists present. This gathering fostered collaboration and opened up opportunities for future exchanges within the scientific community.

We thank Education New Zealand for organising the participation of our NZ-GRADS scholars.