April 25, 2017   •   News

Meeting: how to sustainably produce lower GHG emissions in meat & milk

The “Sustainable Livestock Production Platform: Higher Productivity with Lower Greenhouse Gas Emission”, meeting was held in Washington DC this month. The meeting was coordinated by CATIE, in collaboration with the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) of the Government of New Zealand, the Global Research Alliance, and FONTAGRO, with the participation of researchers from public and private institutions and development agencies.

During the meeting, topics of common interest were identified in the countries to establish a coordinated research agenda. Prioritized the design of a three-year action plan and the communication strategy and knowledge management that will accumulate the platform. The platform will also work to mobilize resources for research and innovation, as well as identify initiatives and ongoing projects of participating institutions with promising results that can be replicated. The platform will be open to the incorporation of new actors from the private sector and NGOs working on the issue.

The main objective of the platform is to establish alliances with key audiences to intensify livestock production systems in a sustainable manner, such as a regional research strategy to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change in LAC. The platform will coordinate a regional agenda on the subject and share knowledge and strengthen the capacities of farmers and key audiences in the public and private sector on the issue.

Fundamentally, the platform will collaborate with the formulation and dissemination of policies and the mobilization of resources. The beneficiaries of this project are more than 150 researchers, 400 extensionists and professionals, more than 1000 graduate students, and in the course of university degrees in animal production, veterinary and soil, among others, and more than 10 producer organizations, as well as Decision-makers at national and regional public policy levels.

The platform is initially funded by funds from the agreement between FONTAGRO and MPI to build capacity in the area of GHG measurement in Latin America’s agricultural systems and a project on “Technology Transfer Mechanisms and Climate Networks In LAC, “executed by FONTAGRO and financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
