The CIRCASA Project is hosting the webinar: “Strengthening the research community and structuring knowledge” on Friday 03 May, 2019.
In this webinar, the CIRCASA WP1 leader and colleagues will present the WP1 (Workpackage 1: Strengthening the research community and structuring knowledge) activities, first results of the researcher’s survey, as well as current cartography of the scientific network working on the field of soil organic carbon sequestration in agriculture.
Programme: 1 hour
Intro: WP1 overviews and activities: Pete Smith
Researchers survey results: Andy Bray
The Research Network: Jan Verhagen
Pete Smith – WP1 leader, Professor of soils and Global Change at the Institute of Biological Sciences at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Andy Bray – Research fellow, specialising in biogeochemistry and environmental mineralogy at the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK.
Jan Verhagen – Senior scientist, specialising in agricultural systems, carbon cycle, and climate adaptation at the Wageningen Plant Research, Netherlands.
Announcement of a Joint Call on “Novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in animal production systems”.
The Joint Call is a partnership between three European ERA-NET research initiatives on Sustainable Animal Production (SusAn), Monitoring and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture and Silviculture (ERA-GAS) and Information and Communication Technologies and Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture (ICT-AGRI).
The Joint Call is supported by research partners from 24 countries, including from outside of Europe, participating countries are: Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK and Uruguay.
The overall objective of the 2018 Joint Call is to contribute to the development of novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce the GHG intensity of animal production systems (excluding aquaculture or fur animals) in Europe and beyond. This funding initiative calls for applied research. The projects’ potential impact should be relevant for the mitigation of GHG emissions within the coming 5 – 10 years. Deadline for proposal submission: 3rd December 2018
The call announcement and link to the online submission tool can be found on the FACCE-JPI website.
The Global Research Alliance participated in our partner FONTAGRO’s 20-year celebration last month. The celebration coincided with the III Symposium on Adaptation to Climate Change of Family Farming in Washington DC, within the framework of the Third Workshop on Technical Follow-up of FONTAGRO Projects, at the offices of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington DC, USA on 4-8 June 2018.
Researchers and representatives of national research institutes got together to analyse the innovations generated in the projects of adaptation to and mitigation of climate change of family farming in the region.
Photos and video footage of the event can be found here.
The June 2018 newsletter of our Partner, the Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCCA), is now available. This edition includes an update on the 2018 World Environment Day in India.
The June edition of our Partner FACCE-SURPLUS is out, including a link to their publication “Assessment of Benefits of Conservation Agriculture on Soil Functions in Arable Production Systems in Europe”.
The May 2018 newsletter of our Partner, the Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCCA), is now available.
Included in this issue is a briefing on methane, with some focus on the agricultural sector.
The GRA is working in Partnership with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and other experts to identify cost-effective and technically sound measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems – and the guidance, tools, and platforms that support them.
At a side event during the 2018 Bonn Climate Change Conference, experts from Brazil, Guatemala, and Uruguay shared their experiences developing MRV systems for livestock NAMA projects at the local level and elaborated on how this information could inform NAMAs and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) going forward.
Four themes arose from presentations and discussion with the audience:
(1) Standardized approaches are needed at subnational/project and national MRV levels to enable the two systems to “talk” to each other.
(2) Protocols and technologies for information collection apps, data compilation and access via platforms were essential components of MRV systems and can help with aggregation, standardization, and quality control.
(3) MRV should build on national livestock information systems and seek to improve these to provide robust activity data.
(4) Capacity development at subnational levels should be a priority.
Read the report here in English, French and Spanish.
The latest newsletter from our Partner GODAN is now available. Included in this issue is information about a white paper on Digital and data-driven agriculture opportunities for smallholders, and the results of an analysis of five agriculture programmes regarding donor open data policy and practice.
Our partner, the Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), has released its April 2018 newsletter. This edition includes information on their 2018 Award for an individual or group’s exceptional contribution to reducing short-lived climate pollutants, including in the area of agriculture.
Entries and nominations are for projects, programs and policies that demonstrate:
To submit an entry, nominate a group or individual, or learn more about the awards program, visit the website. Entries will be accepted until Monday, 4 June 2018. Winners announced this September. If you have any questions you can contact the Climate & Clean Air Coalition Secretariat at [email protected] or at (+33) 1 44 37 14 73. |
The latest newsletter of our Partner, Global Open Data on Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), is now available. This edition includes information on the Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Congress and an article on how to make agricultural research data more discoverable, reusable and reproducable.