December 15, 2015   •   News

Paris Climate Agreement – CCAFS analysis see opportunities for food and farming

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has published a new analysis of what COP21 means for food and farming, and what the next steps should be between now and 2020 when the Paris Agreement comes into force.

The analysis picks up the theme that “Voluntary cooperation” between countries, including through technology transfer and capacity building, is a major focus that comes through in the Agreement as is the need for all countries to support science and research.

Read the CCAFS info note: The Paris Climate Agreement: what it means for food and farming http://bit.ly/1UpvXws.

And for more information on research highlights visit CCAFS website: Paris Climate Agreement unlocks opportunities for food and farming http://bit.ly/1NsY1u9.