GRA Engagement Workshop, Izmir Turkey, November 2015
Integration of climate change in national strategies, policies and practices for agriculture: sustainable research for global food production.
Opening Speech by Professor Rudy Rabbinge
(Departing Chair of GRA, on behalf of USA Chair)
In cooperation with the Turkish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Turkey, the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases is organizing a regional GRA engagement workshop this year on November 18 -19the in Izmir, Turkey.
The aim of the workshop was to:
- familiarize non-member countries with the work and achievements of the GRA
- create an opportunity for discussions on the key issues facing eastern Mediterranean and Central Asian countries, with respect to agriculture and climate change
- explore further cooperation and GRA membership opportunities
Target groups for the workshop are the regional Ministries responsible for agriculture and the main research institutions dealing with agricultural sciences, including aspects related to climate change, greenhouse gases and food security.
Download the meeting report from the right-hand pane. See also:
Presentation slides
“Climate Smart Food Security”_Martin Scholten
“Food Security & Climate Change”_Fred Snijders
“Making the GRA Work”_Matt Hooper
“Soil Carbon & Nitrogren Cycling (SCNC)”_Jean-François Soussana
Summary Documents
- Keynote Speech_Fred Snijders
- Azerbaijan_Narimanova & Rzayev
- Croatia_Mesic
- Jordan_Hailat
- Kazakhstan_Kozhakhmetov
- Montenegro_Markovic & Jovanovic
- Turkey_Erdogan
- Uzbekistan_Ishankulova & Belorussova
Supporting documents