June 16, 2011   •   News

Joint livestock mitigation project underway in Latin America and the Caribbean

On 8 June, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO) signed an agreement to co-fund the first collaborative livestock emissions mitigation research project Latin America and the Caribbean. A contribution has also been made by the Government of New Zealand.

The project, selected during IDB FONTAGRO’s 2010 call for proposals and with additional funding support from New Zealand, will be implemented in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay, to improve the national greenhouse gas inventories and develop mitigation options adapted to the farming conditions of each country. The project is linked to as an example of collaborative activity arising from participating countries in the Alliance’s Livestock Research Group.

For more, please see http://www.iadb.org/en/news/news-releases/2011-06-08/climate-change-and-agriculture-in-latin-america,9398.html