Managing and estimating greenhouse gas emissions within and across agricultural systems with the goal of mitigation.
The Integrative Research Group is a merger of the two former cross-cutting groups of the Global Research Alliance: the Soil Carbon & Nitrogen Group and the Inventories & Monitoring Group.
The Integrative Research Group coordinates and integrates, through established focused research networks, the three Research Groups of the Global Research Alliance – Livestock, Croplands, and Paddy Rice. The Integrated Research Group also works in close collaboration with Members and Partners to ensure that the GRA is meeting critical research needs and avoiding duplication.
The Integrative Research Group carries out its mission through:
- Assessing soil carbon sequestration potential across spatial and temporal scales
- Greenhouse gas interrelationships between crop and livestock production
- Modelling greenhouse gas emissions and removals over farms, landscapes and regions
- Technical and cost-competitive greenhouse gas mitigation potentials
- Monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas abatement options
- Improving national greenhouse gas inventories
- Assessing strategies and policy options for mitigation and adaptation
Integrative Research Group Co-Chairs
Jean-Francois Soussana
National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
jean-francois.soussana@inrae.frHeather McGilvray
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)