We develop and apply generic and robust methods for assessing the feasibility and the economics of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. Respective concepts are used at the farm level and upscaled to regional scale.

Objectives of the

  • To provide coordination and opportunities for international collaboration in farm level analysis of GHG mitigation strategies and regional scale modelling
  • Inform decision makers about the pros and cons of various mitigation strategies at the farm level
  • To provide a platform for international exchange about experiences and results regarding farm level strategies:
    • To organise workshops associated with major conference events, where members can meet, share their knowledge, cross-train in new models and approaches, seek internal review and exchange ideas
    • To organise and implement a series of webinars on GHG mitigation and associated costs in crop and livestock farming


A new co-lead for this network was found in September 2024. For further information please contact Claudia Heidecke: [email protected]

Network Actions and News (descending chronological order)

  • FRS has been successful to apply as a host for two CLIFF-GRADS who would support EMiFa flagship project during 2023.
  • A survey on GHG farm-level accounting tools completed; currently evaluation of results and writing of journal article; plan to organize a workshop with survey participants beginning of 2023 (e.g. at IRG annual meeting).
  • Survey on GHG mitigation and soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration practices in the sheep sector completed.
  • First results of the EMiFa project were presented during the agri benchmark Beef and Sheep Conference in Braunschweig in June 2022. These are now used to seek funding for the rest of the project activities.
  • The Flagship Project “Economics of GHG mitigation at farm level in global cattle production systems (EMiFa)” has been launched in March 2022 and has the approval of the GRA Council and the support of eight council champions form all continents. Work packages are Data collection and management, Development of mitigation strategies, Analysis of co-benefits, Policy recommendations and Upscaling to regional level.