October 22, 2016   •   News

The Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) program is now accepting scientific research proposals from researchers in developing countries for a number of multi-focus and country-specific areas, including the use of climate-smart agriculture in Magadascar. View the calls on the PEER webpage

PEER is part of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Development Lab effort to bring together diverse partners to discover, test and scale breakthrough solutions to critical challenges in international development.

View more information

Apply for a PEER grant


October 21, 2016   •   News

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is now accepting applications for the 2017 Borlaug Global Research Alliance Fellowships. Fellows selected from eligible countries (Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) will work with a mentor at USDA’s Agricultural Research Service or a U.S. university for up to 12 weeks on climate change mitigation research. The U.S. mentor will later visit the fellow’s home institution to continue collaboration.

The fellowships are designed to provide Fellows with training opportunities and practical experience, increase collaboration and networking, and aid in the transfer and implementation of technologies in the area of climate change mitigation research in agriculture.

The application deadline is November 30, 2016.


View the announcement

Read more information

Apply online

usda climate change

October 18, 2016   •   News

The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases is pleased to welcome FONTAGRO (Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria / Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology) as a new Partner.

The decision for partnership was decided at the Council meeting held last week (10-13 October 2016) in Mexico City.

FONTAGRO is a unique mechanism of regional cooperation that promotes family farming innovation, competitiveness and food security. Recently FONTAGRO has established a new mission to contribute to innovation in family farming, in order to promote food security in a framework of equity and sustainability. Part of its strategic lines include adaptation and mitigation of climate change as a central theme.

We look forward to working together with FONTAGRO in the research, development and extension of technologies and practices that will help deliver ways to grow more food (and more climate-resilient food systems) without growing greenhouse gas emissions.

Read FONTAGRO’s Partnership announcement

Visit FONTAGRO’s website



September 30, 2016   •   News

The latest version of the GRA’s Livestock Research Group newsletter is now available.

This edition has articles on:

*   Our work with countries in South and South East Asia to support their development of livestock GHG inventories
*   New research guidelines from our Feed and Nutrition Network on conducting in vitro experiments
*   A preview of the upcoming GRA Council meeting
*   Engagement with the IPCC on livestock GHG issues
*   Highlights from CCAFS (the CGIAR’s Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security), one of our major partners

Download the newsletter here

image newsletter

September 22, 2016   •   News

Improved ruminant genetics increase animals’ resilience to climate-related stresses, increases reproductive performance, and – in some countries – could achieve emission reductions of 11-26% per unit of product, according to a new practice brief written by scientists from the Global Research Alliance’s Livestock Research Group and the CCAFS low emissions agriculture flagship. This brief is part of the CSA practice brief series of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA) Knowledge Action Group.

The brief summarises the state of the science in this area and provides implementation guidance for policymakers and investors. It describes how animal breeding can increase livestock productivity and resilience to climate change, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions intensity. It focuses on opportunities in developing countries, where the majority of the world’s ruminant populations can be found.

More details on the practice brief can be found in a joint LRG/CCAFS blog post here. You can also download the practice brief here.

Practice Brief

September 6, 2016   •   News

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock: best practice and emerging options’ was jointly published by the GRA’s Livestock Research Group and the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform in late 2014. It is now one of the most downloaded documents on the GRA website.

With thanks to funding support from New Zealand and translation provided by LRG members in France, Chile and Colombia, this popular publication is now available in French and Spanish.

The guide is intended to help farmers and industry leaders make progress on meeting global food demand while reducing the industry’s contribution to climate change. It summarises current best practices ready for implementation at the farm level, as well as emerging options at various stages of research to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of livestock production across a range of farm systems. It covers intervention options for animal feed and nutrition, genetics and breeding, rumen modification, animal health, manure, and grassland management.

Hard copies of the guidelines in any of the three languages are available from the LRG: [email protected]


August 23, 2016   •   News

Researchers show how improved greenhouse gas inventories for the livestock sector meet international requirements, support climate change and productivity goals and help broaden countries’ policy options.


For media interviews and enquiries please contact:

Andy Reisinger / +64 21 613 125 / [email protected]

Julianna White / +1.802.777.7017 / [email protected]


WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND // BURLINGTON, USA (23 August 2016) – Scientists say that using advanced greenhouse gas inventory and accounting methods to monitor, verify and report on emissions will be necessary for livestock to demonstrate that it is contributing effectively to the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Scientists from the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) argue in a newly released brochure that more accurate and robust information on greenhouse emissions and productivity from livestock, captured through an advanced inventory system, will be essential if the sector is to contribute effectively to climate and development outcomes.

“61 nations included mitigation in the livestock sector in their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2015,” Lini Wollenberg, leader of the CCAFS Low Emissions Development research program based at the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, said. “They need advanced greenhouse gas inventories to report on changes in emissions and the reductions in emissions intensity that result from more productive and efficient livestock systems.”

Simple inventory methods (called Tier 1) use livestock numbers multiplied by a constant emission factor per animal, meaning that the only way to reduce emissions from livestock is to reduce animal numbers – not plausible for countries concerned with food security and rural development. Researchers point out that livestock development and climate change outcomes can support each other: more productive and efficient farm systems generally produce food at much lower greenhouse gas emissions per unit of product.

The brochure draws on a global analysis demonstrating that doubling the milk production of low-yielding dairy systems, from 1,500 to 3,000 litres per cow per year, could roughly halve the greenhouse gas emissions per litre of milk from those systems. However, if a country’s livestock greenhouse gas inventory does not use advanced methods (called Tier 2), then the impact of such productivity gains is missed.

Advanced inventories allow countries to understand the impact of different productivity measures on emissions. For example, reductions in emissions intensity may be achieved through (see e.g. here and here):

  • Improved digestibility of feeds
  • Increased pregnancy rates for mature breeding cows
  • Increased weight gains in finishing animals.

Such productivity measures may support rural economic development, form the basis of a climate change mitigation plan to be submitted to the UNFCCC, or help qualify a country for climate finance.

Uruguay, for example, used its advanced greenhouse gas inventory in the livestock sector to commit to reducing emissions intensity in livestock (i.e. emissions per kg of meat) by 31-46% by 2030 from base year 1990. The inventory also allows Uruguay to incorporate outcomes from productivity improvements into its domestic policies and use them to demonstrate progress towards its INDC.

“Many countries know that a Tier 2 inventory would be incredibly helpful for them, but they are deterred by the perceived complexity and the resources required. An inventory based on Tier 2 methods is by its nature more detailed than the simple Tier 1 methods that most countries start out with, but it does not have to be much more complicated,” explained Harry Clark, Co-chair of the GRA’s Livestock Research Group and Director of the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre.

“Countries need guidance and support on how to set up an inventory that is credible and defensible but does not place unrealistic demands on their data sources,” Clark said.


 “Livestock development and climate change: The benefits of advanced greenhouse gas inventorieswas first published by the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security on 23 August 2016.  It is available online at: http://hdl.handle.net/10568/76520


Further reading:

Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA): www.globalresearchalliance.org/research/livestock

Emissions data, greenhouse gas emissions measurement methods, and tools, for agriculture: www.samples.ccafs.cgiar.org

Low emissions development in agriculture: quantification, decision-making and implementation: https://ccafs.cgiar.org/themes/low-emissions-agriculture

The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases brings countries together to find ways to grow more food without growing greenhouse gas emissions. Its Livestock Research Group (LRG) is focused on reducing the emissions intensity of livestock production systems and increasing the quantity of carbon stored in soils supporting those systems. The LRG works with scientists, farmers and farm advisors, industry and policy makers to research mitigation options, share knowledge and experiences and help strengthen the resilience of livestock farming.

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) brings together the world’s best researchers in agricultural science, development research, climate science and Earth System science, to identify and address the most important interactions, synergies and trade-offs between climate change, agriculture and food security. The University of Vermont hosts research focusing on low emissions agriculture. Research is carried out with support from CGIAR Fund Donors and through bilateral funding agreements. For details please visit https://ccafs.cgiar.org/donors.

The New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC) coordinates research and development into agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation solutions in New Zealand. The NZAGRC’s focus is to provide knowledge, technologies and practices that grow agriculture’s ability to create wealth for New Zealand in a carbon-constrained world. The NZAGRC works in partnership with nine New Zealand organisations to deliver practical on-farm solutions to mitigate methane, nitrous oxide and increase understanding and stability of soil carbon stocks.

August 16, 2016   •   News

Previous studies using models have shown that in theory, improving the health of livestock increases productivity while decreasing relative emissions intensity (EI). A similar study in East Africa has shown the same trend. With the removal of the endemic disease trypanosomiasis, cattle on East African farms increased productivity and decreased EI per unit of protein at between 2 and 4%, depending on the production system. In West Africa, the removal of trypanosomiasis led to decreased EI in some systems but increased EI in others, because when the disease was removed more males were kept and used for draft purposes.

The study was funded by the International Livestock Research Institute under Global Research Alliance Partner CGIAR (CCAFS), and included Animal Health & GHG Emissions Intensity Network Champion, Dr Michael Macleod (SRUC), and Network Coordinator, Dr Timothy Robinson (ILRI).

Read more about the study (page 4)

Read more about CCAFS

Read more about the Animal Health & GHG Emissions Intensity Network


August 8, 2016   •   News

On 20th July 2016, the first meeting of the network “Actions for Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate Change in Livestock Sector in Mediterranean Area”(MLN) was held in Bella, Italy. The meeting was hosted by the Extensive Animal Husbandry Research Unit of the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA-ZOE). The idea to create MLN arose at the annual LRG meeting held at Lodi (IT) and was launched at the GRA Engagement Workshop, held in Izmir (Turkey) on November 18-19 2015, to deal with three areas representing key concerns for livestock in the Mediterranean region: water, mycotoxins, and good practices of mitigation and adaptation.

Outcomes of the meeting included actions to gather literature on themes of interest and on relevant national and international programs to MLN, and the decision to apply a COST project to MLN activities, with particular attention paid to methods and to novel concerns (i.e. emerging mycotoxins).

All the scientists who expressed their interest in MLN will be invited to join the project and to share this information with other colleagues, especially if belonging to countries not presently involved.

A summary report is available here. All people interested to join MLN can contact the GRA Secretariat or Giacomo Pirlo ([email protected]).

1st MLN Meeting 2016

August 8, 2016   •   News

Issue 5 of the UK’s Agri-Science and Innovation Newsletter is now available to download.

The newsletter communicates the UK’s participation in the Global Research Alliance through the UK Government’s investment in the UK Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Platform (www.ghgplatform.org.uk), including UK participation at Alliance Research Group meetings, Alliance activities and networks being led by the UK and participation at capacity building workshops and network meetings by UK scientists.

For more information on the UK’s participation in the Global Research Alliance please see their country page at http://globalresearchalliance.org/country/united-kingdom/  UK Science & Innovation Issue 5 graphic

August 4, 2016   •   News

A series of webinars took place earlier this year to share the outcomes of the UK-led project “Scoping the potential for Earth Observation to provide agricultural activity data for inventory compilation”.

For those that couldn’t attend, the webinars were recorded and are now available to view online:

Handouts for each webinar topic are available for download


If you have any comments or questions please use the contact details provided in the handouts.Earth Observation webinar


August 2, 2016   •   News

The Paddy Rice Research Group’s Sub-America’s division met on 13-15 July this year in Stuttgart, Arkansas, USA. The meeting was attended by 10 GRA Member countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Uruguay and USA, and a meeting report will soon be available. The presentations for the meeting are now available in the Members’ Area of the website.

Field trip PRRG 2016

PRRG 2016 Meeting participants on a field trip