July 1, 2016   •   News

The latest newsletter for the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) can be viewed here

Of particular interest to GRA Members who submitted proposals or who participate in both the GRA and FACCE-JPI, in this newsletter the FACCE-JPI notes that the ERA-Gas call for transnational research projects on monitoring & mitigation of GHGs from agri- and silvi-culture generated 28 pre-proposals with 169 partners. Evaluations will be available 14 October 2016.

The FACCE-JPI comprises 22 countries committed to building an integrated European Research Area addressing the interconnected challenges of sustainable agriculture, food security and impacts of climate change. Research is steered to support sustainable agricultural production and economic growth and contribute to a European bio-based economy, while maintaining and restoring ecosystem services under current and future climate change.

Read more about FACCE-JPI here



July 1, 2016   •   News

Our recently formed Integrative Research Group (IRG) now has its own web page: http://globalresearchalliance.org/research/integrative/

The IRG was agreed at the GRA Council meeting in September 2015 as a merger of the previous Soil Carbon Nitrogen Cycling Group and Inventories & Monitoring Groups. The IRG met for the first time at the Livestock Research Group Meeting in February 2016.

Visit the page for IRG information, including leadership, participating countries, and group activities.

IRG logo

June 16, 2016   •   News

-Please note that the call for MAGGnet metadata has been extended to 15 October 2016-

Though the addition of new experimental sites to MAGGnet is a continual effort, an annual call approximately six months prior to the GRA Croplands Research Group meeting is done to encourage GRA-affiliated countries to provide metadata for additional sites.  This is the call for 2016.  Researchers managing experimental sites where greenhouse gases and soil carbon are monitored are encouraged to include their site metadata in MAGGnet.  If interested, please access the MAGGnet webpage for the latest spreadsheet template and sharing agreement (http://globalresearchalliance.org/maggnet/).  New site metadata is requested by 1 October 2016.  Questions about the MAGGnet metadata call (as well as new site metadata) may be directed to Mark Liebig at [email protected].

Let’s build upon the momentum of the recently accepted paper and aim for a total of 500 sites by the end of the year!MAGGnet

June 16, 2016   •   News

A new European Commission (EC) research topic for 2020-2030 has been proposed by FACCE MACSUR, in consulation with the European Union: “Climate change impacts along the agro-food chain”.

In deciding topics, the EC takes into account votes from interested parties; in addition, topics in alignment with the research of the GRA may improve our access to funding opportunities, at least in Europe. If you would like to vote (by rating the topic on a scale of 1-5 stars), please register and vote online at http://macsur.eu/flagship

The EU Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship is part of the EC’s funding scheme for excellent science and is funded through the H2020 workplan.

View flyer


June 1, 2016   •   News

The latest workshop report for the Animal Health & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity Network (AHN) is now available. This year’s workshop, held on Tuesday 15 March 2016, brought together researchers and research funders to exchange information on scientific research and on other initiatives with which the Network is developing links. The workshop was attended by 21 participants representing 9 countries.

The Animal Health and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Intensity Network is a United Kingdom-led initiative of the Livestock Research Group (LRG) of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (www.globalresearchalliance.org), and aims to bring together researchers in relevant disciplines (veterinary science, epidemiology, animal science, modelling, GHG research and food security) from across the world to investigate links and synergies between animal diseases and GHG emissions intensities, and possible GHG mitigation through disease control.

Read the Workshop Report here

Read more about the AHN here


June 1, 2016   •   News

The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases is delighted to announce our new Special Representative, Hayden Montgomery. This is the first time the Alliance has appointed such a role, which will help us in our work with international and regional organisations, NGOs and the agricultural sector globally.

More specifically, the two-year pilot role will involve:

  • Lifting the Alliance’s profile at relevant international meetings and within Member countries
  • Broadening links with NGOs, potential partners, the agricultural sector and philanthropic organisations
  • Helping secure funding for research projects
  • Promoting the Alliance to potential Member countries

Hayden will be known to some Members as the person responsible for setting up the LEARN Network, in some ways a precursor to the Alliance; and as part of the team that initially helped establish the Alliance, including the Secretariat.

We are very pleased to welcome Hayden in his new role.

Read the New Zealand Ministers’ Release


June 1, 2016   •   News

We are pleased to inform that our MAGGnet article “MAGGnet: An international network to foster mitigation of agricultural greenhouse gases” has been published on Taylor & Francis Online. The article summarises MAGGNet’s  purpose, work to date and overall goal to produce an inclusive, globally shared meta-database focussed on the science of GHG mitigation.

MAGGnet, the Managing Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Network, was initiated as a multi-national research effort facilitated by the GRA. By employing a user-friendly spreadsheet template, MAGGnet seeks to compile metadata from experimental sites throughout the world where greenhouse gas fluxes and soil carbon dynamics are monitored.

Read the article here

Find out more about MAGGNet here


June 1, 2016   •   News

The GRA’s  International Research Collaboration Working Group (IRCWG) will hold its first physical meeting next month in Brussels, Belgium. The IRCWG was  formed  by Members of the GRA as an outcome from the 2015 Council meeting to assist in the preparation of the GRA’s 5-year strategic plan and to support the GRA Research Groups and collaborative research activities. The group will meet over two days, June 13-14, and will be hosted by the European Commission.

Any GRA Member who is interested in participating in the meeting and the Working Group should contact the Secretariat ([email protected]).

Crowdfunding, Brussels 2016

May 30, 2016   •   News

The New Zealand Government has opened a fourth round of the Fund for Global Partnerships in Livestock Emissions Research (GPLER), in support of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA).

The GPLER invests in collaborative projects that advance innovative, cost-effective and sustainable solutions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from pastoral livestock farming. This round is valued at over NZD$9 million and seeks projects in response to research challenges spanning rumen function, nitrous oxide emissions, soil carbon change, and improvements in farm-system emissions intensity.

Applications are welcomed from multi-disciplinary teams that pool the best international expertise. Any GRA member country can lead bids but there are minimum requirements for New Zealand participation that must be met.

The deadline for applications is 14:00 NZST, Friday 8 July 2016. Projects are expected to start by July 2017 and conclude by June 2020. For more information on the GPLER, including downloading the Rules & Guidelines for Applicants and the pre-proposal application form, please see https://www.mpi.govt.nz/funding-and-programmes/farming/global-partnerships-in-livestock-emissions-research/

May 12, 2016   •   News

The college of Agricultural and Environmental Science, UC Davis has posted an interesting article on “Facts and Fiction on Livestock and Climate Change” by Frank Mitloehner, Professor UC Davis.

Professor Mitloehner shows the proportion of US total GHG emissions from livestock production (4.2%) in comparison with emissions from other sectors.  Suggesting that a direct comparison between emissions from the US livestock sector and the energy (31%) and transport sectors (27%) brings into perspective the amount of difference that can be made by reducing livestock emissions.

Of course that is not to suggest that the livestock sector is not required to play its part in reducing emissions. The article shares impressive statistics from the US beef and dairy sectors showing how production from both sectors has increased over the last 50-65 years, although the total number of livestock has decreased.


  • 1950: 22 million dairy cows produced 117 million tons milk
  • 2015: 9 million dairy cows produced 209 million tons of milk. (Fifty-nine percent fewer cows produced 79 percent more milk than they did in 1950.)


  • 1970: 140 million head of cattle produced 24 million tons of beef
  • 2015: 90 million (36 percent fewer) head of cattle produce 24 million tons of beef

The full article can be read on the UC Davis website.

For information on some of the management practices that the US are using to continue reducing emissions from their dairy sector in particular see the case studies developed by the Livestock Research Group.

May 3, 2016   •   News

‘Reducing Enteric Methane for Improving Food Security and Livelihoods’, a project implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre in association with the Global Research Alliance (GRA), has a new website where you will soon be able to see results from the project. The project aims to identify system specific technologies and interventions to increase ruminant productivity and reduce the emissions intensity of enteric methane. Ruminant production systems with low productivity lose more energy per unit of animal product than those with high productivity. The solution is to identify and implement low cost or no cost technologies that offer win-win scenarios to increase productivity across production systems, strengthen farmer livelihoods, and increase food security, while reducing methane emissions intensity.

View the websitefoto2_10

May 2, 2016   •   News

We are pleased to announce that we have added more Member Country pages to the GRA website. Have a look at the links at http://globalresearchalliance.org/community/ to learn about agricultural GHG mitigation and Global Research Alliance involvement for Argentina, Malaysia and Poland. More country pages are also to come! Poland