Defining how systems in different ecoregions can sequester soil organic carbon, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, enhance soil quality, and improve agricultural resiliency.

The Agroforestry Systems Network is a network of the Croplands Research Group of the Global Research Alliance. Twelve researchers participate in this network, including the World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi. The network covers a range of practices such as silvopasture, silvoarable, riparian buffer strips, homegardens and forest farming focusing on enhancing productivity, mitigation and resilience to climate change of farming systems and fostering adoption. The working group is also working in global policies to foster innovation and combat climate change.


Upcoming activities

The Network has proposed a workshop alongside the 2019 Canadian Soil Science Society at the University of Saskatchewan, If the proposal is accepted, funding would be provided for two speakers and graduate students from members of the Croplands Research Group.


The next steps for the network include:

  • Running the meta-analysis on mitigation capacity of agroforestry systems;
  • Provide a report on “Developing sustainable indicators for agroforestry implementation as a tool to mitigate and adapt climate change” and on “Challenges for Agroforestry adoption: developing innovations”;
  • Organise a special issue on Agroforestry: Can the Trees Save the Crops? Predicting the Services Provided by Traditional and Novel Agroforests in Changing Mediterranean Landscapes in the Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution which is  peer reviewed journal;
  • Dynamize the GRA and AFINET (as a network linked to the GRA) facebook with Agroforestry news;
  •  Maintain and enlarge the agroforestry learning tool to be found here initially funded by the European Commission.


For more information about the Agroforestry Network, please contact Coordinators: María Rosa Mosquera-Losada, USC, Nuria Ferreiro-Domínguez, Anastasia Pantera