The GRA Inventories and NDC Network aims to improve the quality of national greenhouse gas inventories and agricultural NDC’s, through effective communication of relevant information and training opportunities, and by better connecting governments and decision makers to the relevant experts.

About the Network

In the context of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, national greenhouse gas inventories remain a critical tool linking policy with mitigation efforts. However, many countries encounter significant challenges due to a lack of relevant data or the complete absence of data necessary to further develop their inventories. Unfortunately, only a handful of developing countries currently conduct a Tier 2 methodology for any aspect of their agriculture sector.

The objective of the Network is to facilitate international and national connections among organisations, research institutes, and governments. This collaboration aims to make technical agricultural inventory expertise accessible, shared, and informative for inventory development and setting of ambitious NDC’s which include agricultural actions.

The Network shares new scientific information, knowledge, data, and inventory methodologies to identify priorities for collaboration. These efforts are aimed at improving the accuracy, comparability, completeness, consistency, and transparency of emission trends and potential emission reduction resulting from mitigation actions and farming practices.

This information and more can be found on their website here. We encourage you to visit the website and join the Network.

GRA resources

Much of the work carried out by the GRA Research Groups directly relates to the improvement of national inventories and supporting NDC’s. For further information on these activities can be found under the relevant Research Group pages.

The Livestock Research Group (LRG):

Paddy Rice Research Group (PRRG): 

Awards and Fellowships

Please see this page for the various awards and fellowships offered in support of the GRA. These opportunities can help build the capability of countries to support national inventory development and NDC reporting.

Awards and Fellowships


For more information on the Inventories and NDC Network, please contact us via [email protected].