October 28, 2014   •   News

The GRA Rice Research Group in collaboration with IRRI, CIAT and the CCAC are lanching a project to reduce methane emissions intensities by 30% in eligible systems by 2019, while increasing food security and adaptation capacities of farmers.

The project will produce technical and policy guidance for implementing scalable mitigation options in paddy rice in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Latin America. For more information see here.


October 19, 2014   •   News

The third newsletter on United Kingdom(UK) activities which support the Global Research Alliance (GRA) on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases is out now.

UK technical and scientific participation in the GRA builds upon the UK Government investment in the UK Agricultural Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Research Platform and aims to promote and enhance UK research into agricultural GHG monitoring and mitigation. To read the Newsletter click here.

October 5, 2014   •   News

We have launched a new web page for the United Kingdom’s membership in the Alliance! To find out everything about the UK’s involvement in different research groups click here.


September 30, 2014   •   News

We are very please to announce that Poland has become the 42nd Member Country of the Global Research Alliance. We look forward to working with Poland and in the areas of Croplands and Livestock.

September 29, 2014   •   News

The Alliance is proud to release our new brochure on who we are and what we do! Download it here

September 24, 2014   •   News

The GRA is now active on Twitter! For live updates on GRA news and events follow @GRA_GHG or click here.

September 23, 2014   •   News

AGGP is the initial response of Canada to the GRA initiative. It was open to Canadian organizations and will come to completion in 2015. The program will provide Canadian farmers with technologies to manage their land and livestock in a way that will mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To find out more: http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/?id=1331047113009#l1

August 5, 2014   •   News

The USDA has officially released a report that provides scientific methods for quantifying the changes in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon storage from various land management and conservation activities in the USA.

The report, ‘Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture and Forestry: Methods for Entity-Scale Inventory,’ will help USDA evaluate current and future GHG conservation programs, as well as develop new tools and update existing ones to help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners participate in emerging carbon markets.

Download the Report Pressrelease and access the report on the USDA website: estimation.htm

July 15, 2014   •   News

Following the recent Council Meeting in the Netherlands, the Inventories and Measurement Cross-Cutting Group has now changed its name to ‘Inventories and Monitoring.’

In the greenhouse gas context, monitoring is systematic observation over time and/or space to undertake, support or verify quantification. Monitoring includes appropriate measurements but involves more than just having good measurement techniques.

See more on the group here.

July 13, 2014   •   News

The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has produced a technical note on “International Initiatives for Collective Action to Confront Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector.”

The IICA is the specialized agency of the Inter-American System for the promotion of agriculture and rural well-being, and its efforts are fully focused on making agriculture competitive and sustainable in the Americas.

To view the paper in English and Spanish follow the links:




July 10, 2014   •   News

The Animal Health & GHG Emissions Intensity Network is a UK led initiative of the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases. The aim of the Network is to bring together researchers from across the world to investigate links and synergies between efforts to reduce livestock disease and GHG emissions intensity reductions.

The First workshop of the Network was held in Dublin on the 25th March 2014 in the margins of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM) conference. Download the report here.


May 8, 2014   •   News

Newsletter 11 of the Livestock Research Group is now available. See the link on the Livestock Research Group page or download here to read about the group’s activities for 2014.