May 11, 2012   •   News

Researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) are working in four countries to assess the contribution that small farmers can make to carbon markets and ways to link them to these markets.

Greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced and carbon sequestered through the adoption of climate-friendly agronomic practices – for example crop-residue management and no-tillage farming – and through improved use of organic and chemical fertilisers. By ‘trading’ carbon stored or emissions reduced, a carbon market provides a means to turn this useful activity into a profitable one. Read the full article on the New Agriculturist website.

May 7, 2012   •   News

As Global demand for livestock products continues to grow so do the greenhouse gas emissions of the livestock sector.

CIAT’s Andy Jarvis spoke about estimating livestock greenhouse gas emissions and the mitigation options for this sector during the Annual Meeting of the Inter-Agency Donor Group (IADG) of the World Bank in Washington, D.C.

This presentation and article are available on the CIAT website.

April 24, 2012   •   News

Researchers at the University of British Colombia have won a major grant from Agriculture Canada to identify the best way to water and fertilize crops in order to maximize resources while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. The $1.2-million grant is drawn from the $27-million Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (AGGP) to develop technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farming.

The AGGP represents Canada’s initial contribution to the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, an international network of more than 30 member countries that will coordinate and increase agricultural research on greenhouse gas mitigation and make new mitigation technologies and beneficial management practices available to farmers. Read the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada media release for more on this project.

April 19, 2012   •   News

A Memorandum of Understanding signed on 17 April between USDA’s National Agroforestry Center and Canada’s Agri-Environment Service Branch’s Agroforestry Development Centre has established a cooperative partnership to collaborate on research and development. This includes the advancement of agroforestry science and tools for climate change mitigation and adaptation in temperate North America.

The The two centers will also support the Global Research Alliance on Agriculture Greenhouse Gases, of which both countries are members. Information will be shared with landowners, managers, and natural resource professionals.

For further information see the USDA news update and the Agriculture and Agri-food Canada news release.

April 15, 2012   •   News

The Global Research Alliance is pleased to welcome Thailand as its newest member country. Thailand has been a participant in the Alliance since it was launched, and we are please to announce that the Government has recently endorsed the Alliance Charter approving Thailand’s full Membership.

There are now 33 Member countries participating in the activities of the Global Research Alliance: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana,  Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vietnam.

For more information on Thailand’s participation in the Alliance or how to become a member country please contact the Alliance Secretariat.

April 9, 2012   •   News

AgreenSkills is a new international mobility programme that supports inventive, talented and promising young researchers (post doc) from all disciplines and from all over the world to develop challenging basic or targeted research projects in the fields of agriculture, environment, food and nutrition, and animal health.

The programme is coordinated by France’s National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and Agreenium, a consortium comprising the main French agricultural and veterinary research and higher education organisations. It is co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the COFUND-FP7 People Programme.

AgreenSkills offers incoming and outgoing fellowships with attractive conditions in terms of salary, optimal research conditions, training, networking opportunities and personalised support for career development planning. It is aimed at talented young researchers from all over the world holding a PhD and having a maximum of ten years research experience after their Masters degree. It operates a continuous call for applications, with two selection rounds per year. The first call opened on 15 March 2012 and the first selection round is scheduled for June 2012. A second selection round will be carried out in the northern hemisphere autumn with a deadline for applications of 15 November 2012.

To find out more about the programme, including details on eligibility and selection criteria as well as all the necessary documents to apply, please visit: www.agreenskills.eu or contact its coordinators, Gilles Aumont (INRA – [email protected]) or Odile Vilotte (Agreenium – [email protected]).

March 29, 2012   •   News

The Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change was set up in 2011 to come up with an integrated approach for dealing with the urgent and globally interconnected challenges of climate change and agriculture.  Their final report, which was launched 28 March 2012 at the Planet Under Pressure conference, offers concrete actions to transforming the food system to achieve food security in the face of climate change. Read more about the Commission and download the report from their website.

March 25, 2012   •   News

The Livestock Research Group held the first in a series of regional capacity building workshops March 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop provided an opportunity for regional scientists from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam to identify future collaborations and coordinate capacity building activities in livestock mitigation research across South-East Asia.

Information about the Workshop, the agenda, the summary of outcomes and all the presentations are now available to read and download from the Livestock Research Group capability development page.

March 22, 2012   •   News

Canadian farmers will have the opportunity to increase their profits while improving the environment with the support of the Government of Canada. Member of Parliament Guy Lauzon (Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry), on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, today announced an investment of over $600,000 to the South Nation Conservation Authority to study new drainage practices that would improve water use and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

This investment is provided through the Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (AGGP), a five-year, $27-million initiative that focuses on the development of on-farm greenhouse gas mitigation technologies. The AGGP will provide funding to various partners across Canada to investigate innovative mechanisms, tools and approaches that provide real solutions for the agriculture sector.

The AGGP represents Canada’s initial contribution to the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, an international network of more than 30 member countries that will coordinate and increase agricultural research on greenhouse gas mitigation and make new mitigation technologies and beneficial management practices available to farmers. Read the full article here.

February 27, 2012   •   News

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is looking at ways to reduce greenhouse gas  emissions in irrigated rice farms through efficient water management to adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

See more about IRRI’s presentation at the recent APEC symposium on Climate change here.

IRRI collaborates with the Rice Research Group and attended the third meeting of this Group in November 2011.

December 20, 2011   •   News

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is pleased to announce the 2012 USDA Global Research Alliance (GRA) Fellowships for Colombia, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, and Vietnam.

USDA, in cooperation with USAID, will support the participation of Alliance member developing countries in the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases through the Global Research Alliance Fellowships. Competitively selected research fellows will work side-by-side with U.S. scientists on climate change mitigation research for up to 3 months. These fellowships will be hosted by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and/or U.S. universities active in the targeted research areas. U.S. scientists who serve as mentors to the fellows will travel to the fellows’ country for up to 10 days to continue their collaboration on climate change mitigation research. USDA will select U.S. mentors and host institutions for each fellow.

Targeted Research Areas:

  • Developing Tools for Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Sequestration Assessments.
  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity in Crop Production Systems.
  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity in Livestock Production Systems.
  • Developing Databases and Strategies for Synthesis, Integration, and Decision Support to Manage Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Systems.

Learn more about these fellowships on the USDA website.

November 22, 2011   •   News

The Croplands Research Group of the Global Research Alliance met for the third time in San Antonio, USA on 20 October 2011. The Third Livestock Research Group meeting was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands  4-5 November 2011. The Paddy Rice Research Group held its third meeting in Tsukuba, Japan on 18 November 2011.

Summary report of  all these meeting are now available  from here.