May 3, 2013   •   News

The Netherlands Country Page has now been added to the website. It outlines the Netherlands’ contribution to the Alliance and current projects. The Netherlands sees the GRA as an important platform for sharing information and achieving common goals. To read more click here.

April 23, 2013   •   News

The first issue of the Paddy Rice Research Group e-News has been released. Download it here: PRRG_e-News_130402.

The newsletter will be sent out to the contact points of member countries and partners and is planned to be issued once every three months or so. The e-News will be a good tool for communicating with eachother. Please transfer and circulate it to anyone whom you know to be interested in the activities of GRA-PRRG.

If you have any useful information that is relevant to the GRA-PRRG, such as events, meetings, publications and others, please send to Kaz Yagi at [email protected].

For more information on the Paddy Rice Research Group and its activities see the Paddy Rice Research Group page.

April 15, 2013   •   News

The first issue of a newsletter communicating the UK’s participation in the Global Research Alliance has been released. Download Issue 1 UK Agri-Science and Innovation [PDF] –  Supporting international actions to mitigate agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.

Issue 1 covers international activities that build upon the UK Government’s investment in the UK Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Platform (www.ghgplatform.org.uk) including: UK participation at Alliance Research Group meetings, Alliance activities and networks being led by the UK and participation at capacity building workshops and network meetings by UK scientists.

For more information on the UK’s participation in the Global Research Alliance and to receive regular updates, meeting reports, notification of funding opportunities and events please contact [email protected] or [email protected].


March 11, 2013   •   News

Vietnamese researcher, Loan Thanh Le, from the University of Agriculture and Forestry in Ho Chi Minh City has been awarded a Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Borlaug Fellowship. Le will study greenhouse gas emissions from the production of rice and biofuel feedstocks at Kansas State University, USA for three months. Read more about Le’s work in the High Plains/ Mid West Ag Journal.

Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Borlaug Fellowships are awarded under the auspices of the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. The fellowships are funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Fellows are selected from eight developing countries that are members of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.

January 30, 2013   •   News

An article in support of the Paddy Rice Research Group – “Appropriate frequency and time of day to measure methane emissions from an irrigated rice paddy in Japan using the manual closed chamber method” has been published in the Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management Journal. This research article is the first outcome for the Paddy Rice Research Group activity standardising measurements of greenhouse gas emissions from paddy rice. The next step for this research will be to compare data from irrigated rice paddies with different water management and tropical climates.

Kazunori Minamikawa, Kazuyuki Yagi, Takeshi Tokida, Bjoern Ole Sander & Reiner Wassmann (2012): Appropriate frequency and time of day to measure methane emissions from an irrigated rice paddy in Japan using the manual closed chamber method, Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management, 2:2-3, 118-128.

Rice agriculture is a large anthropogenic source of atmospheric methane (CH4). The reliable estimation of CH4 emissions requires frequent measurements to trace diurnal and seasonal variations. To evaluate the appropriate intervals and optimal time of day to measure CH4 emissions using the manual closed chamber method, this study analysed four datasets of CH4 fluxes in a Japanese irrigated rice paddy measured at 2-hour intervals using the automated closed chamber method. The typical diurnal variation in the CH4 flux was observed after the rice’s heading stage, during which the daily time-weighted mean CH4 flux was observed twice, in the 08:00–11:59 and 18:00–21:59 time windows. During the flooded rice-growing period, the CH4 emissions, which were estimated by weekly measurements once per day during the 10:00–11:59 time window, corresponded to 93–106% of the emissions calculated using the automated measurement method. In contrast, no regular measurement strategies produced a satisfactory estimate of the CH4 emissions during the non-flooded rice-growing period because of a sharp increase in the CH4 flux just after the drainage. Consequently, the combination of weekly measurements once per day at approximately 10:00 as local mean time for the flooded rice-growing period and daily measurements once per day during the daytime for 1 week after each drainage event is recommended as a strategy to obtain the estimation with a ±10% error.

Read the complete article: Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management (subscription required)

December 10, 2012   •   News

The Australian Government has announced the second round of competitive grants funding for the $201 million Filling the Research Gap Program.

Filling the Research Gap is providing eligible Australian organisations with funding to identify and develop new low–cost abatement options for the land sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sequester carbon.

International engagement is an important priority under this round of Filling the Research Gap through the promotion of collaborative efforts between Australian researchers and member countries of the Global Research Alliance on agricultural greenhouse gases.

Australia has already made outstanding contributions to international climate change research through the Climate Change Research Program and projects funded under the first round of Filling the Research Gap are building on these efforts.

For more information visit Filling the Research Gap on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website at www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/carbonfarmingfutures/ftrg

October 17, 2012   •   News

Carbon Management has published an article describing the Eurosoil 2012 conference in Bari, Italy earlier this year. The article has a particular emphasis on greenhouse gases and the participation of the Global Research Alliance at the conference. The direct link to the article, which can be accessed free of charge is: http://www.future-science.com/toc/cmt/3/5

The Croplands Research Group and the Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Cross-cutting Group held a joint meeting alongside the conference. This was the first Group meeting of the Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Cross-Cutting Group. The Group has already held two workshops determining topics of work which informed their work plan discussions at Bari. A short summary version of the meeting report is now available from the Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Cross-cutting Group page.

October 1, 2012   •   News

The Manure Management Network (MMN) of the Alliance’s Livestock Research Group has meet for the first time at a workshop in Rome, Italy. The MMN is one of five networks that coordinate activities around specific topics relating to issues that concern the Livestock Research Group.

Participants attended from 12 Alliance member countries and were joined by invited guests from the FAO Livestock Dialogue programme to discuss the work plan of the network, and connections with FAO activities. The participants identified several activities that the network would undertake in the coming year including the development of guidelines for measuring emissions from manure, identification of mitigation options with an economic evaluation for each alignment of network activities to the Manure kiosk and pilot projects of the FAO Livestock Dialogue.

A short summary report and further information about this network can be found on the Livestock Research Group research networks and databases page.

September 20, 2012   •   News

The Croplands Research Group met for the fourth time in Bari, Italy, alongside the Eurosoil 2012 Conference.

The Group meet in conjunction with the Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Cross-Cutting Group and was attended by 49 delegates and technical experts representing 20 Alliance member countries.

A short summary version of the meeting report is now available from the Croplands Research Group page.

September 11, 2012   •   News

Alliance member countries sent representatives and research experts to a workshop in Bangkok, Thailand on the 20th June to develop a Livestock Research Group Animal Health and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity Network. This initial workshop coincided with the 15th International Congress on Infectious Diseases and STAR-IDAZ meetings (http://www.star-idaz.net/).

The workshop was a perfect opportunity to see how STAR-IDAZ and the Livestock Research Group could work together to promote the understanding of animal disease and greenhouse gas emissions intensity in order to identify possible future work. Experts and Alliance dicussed the scope of a possible animal health and greenhouse gas emissions intensity network under the Livestock Research Group. For more information on this Network, including presentations from the workshop see the LRG networks and databases page.

August 31, 2012   •   News

A priority project for the Alliance’s Livestock Research Group has been the evaluation of the USA developed GreenFeed (C-Lock) system to measure methane emissions from cattle in herd grazing situations.

An international collaboration between scientists in New Zealand and the USA to evaluate field methane measurement from cattle using the C-Lock system (an automated methane measurement system).  The US scientists had developed the C-Lock system for a temperate grazing pastoral system.  The UK and Australian governments have invested in the purchase of C-Lock systems and will spend time trialling and evaluating the system for use in their countries, but using the results from this study as background information.

A brief report on the first evaluation of this system under controlled conditions in New Zealand may be requested from the authors. Please visit the LRG technical information and knowledge page for more information.

August 6, 2012   •   News

A new report by the Technical Working Group on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (T-AGG) at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions synthesizes the fundamental information needed to design programs for livestock producers to report and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. It discusses in detail strategies to reduce enteric and manure methane emissions from dairy, beef, and swine systems.

The full report, released at the July C-AGG meeting, is available online along with a shorter companion brief. Learn more about the full T-AGG body of work, which provides a technical foundation for programs to engage farmers and ranchers on working agricultural land in the United States, on the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions website.